ELIO startup accelerata

E.L.I.O. è la piattaforma di e-commerce che fornisce al cliente un’esperienza di acquisto basata sulla presenza, nel negozio fisico, di un commesso che, indossando gli smart glasses, esegue un video streaming in tempo reale per il cliente, mantenendo il contatto audio e video. Il cliente può valutare la merce e chiedere dettagli al commesso e indirizzarlo verso prodotti specifici. Il cliente fruisce della visita “remota” con il tablet, lo smartphone o il personal computer.

Video presentazione

Elevator pitch

Executive summary

Business idea

One of the main problems that e-commerce is facing, especially in the fashion industry, is the absence of a complete interaction between brands and final customers. Through the market research realized in Milan, ELIO team obtained concrete information about shopping experiences for customers of the luxury market. The analysis of data reconfirmed the necessity that ELIO have found in this sector: most of the people highly prefer a personal shopping experience by themselves or through personal shoppers. The lack of interaction and the impossibility to feel exactly what is bought is the main reason why consumers do not shop usually luxury goods online.

The main goal is to constantly improve the customer experience, offering the perfect solution to their needs. Through ELIO, it is offered the opportunity of a virtual shopping experience which increases the chance of selling to remote consumers. ELIO is the first platform which unifies the disruptive force of the e-commerce, constantly increasing every year, together with a real shopping experience. At the same moment this leads to a full integration between online and traditional commerce, giving the opportunity to physical shops to compete again in this market and, on the other hand, leading them to the necessary digitalization holding the added value of the traditional model. The actual business idea is realized thanks to the usage of the smart glasses “Moverio”, developed and produced by EPSON.

Guarda l’intero “Executive summary” (pdf)